Dry Eye

Can computer use make dry eye worse or bring it on? In a word, yes. Folks who are in their 30s and 40s are more likely to start experiencing dry eye earlier as a result of computer use than any other age group. If you think you’re suffering from eye strain or dry eye, Arvada Optometric Center in Arvada, CO, is here to help. Read on to learn more.

Digital Eye Strain

Today, approximately two-thirds of people globally use digital devices that require up-close viewing. Whereas a TV may be across the room, a computer or mobile device is much closer. That triggers a tremendous change in focusing versus looking out a window or across an office or classroom.

Because you may spend hours viewing a screen each day, your eyes can easily become irritated by the end of the day. In addition, the lack of moisture from a dry eye condition can make things worse. The combination gets so bad it now has its label in the medical world: computer vision syndrome or CVS.

Computer Vision Syndrome

In extreme cases, such as those who use a computer for work, looking at a computer screen produces significant dry eye conditions and eye muscle strain. This is common for people who spend anywhere from eight to 16 hours a day working on a computer or mobile device. Conditions such as forced remote work recently have made things even more pronounced.

Symptoms may include feeling like there is grit in your eye, uncontrollable eye-watering, eye burning, an inability to focus, fuzziness, and a desire to have a lower brightness on the screen or in the room you’re in. All of these are classic dry eye and CVS symptoms that need eye care from an eye doctor.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Optometrist in Arvada, CO

An exam from an optometrist can confirm dry eye and CVS. While moderate cases can be addressed with more rest, less eye strain and regular use of moisturizing eye drop, more severe cases may need additional help from an eye doctor. Working conditions can be changed as well, such as using a bigger screen, using zoom to make things bigger and reduce focusing on tiny details, and forced exercise breaks for your eyes, such as looking away periodically (every 20 minutes or so). Call Arvada Optometric Center today at (303)-424-5282 for more information on digital eye strain or to schedule an appointment with our eye doctor.


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8:30 am - 7:00 pm
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7:00 am - 5:00 pm